Ever wanted your name on a book cover? Now you can——just join our GRC Vision Team at Fairview. Pick out your book and write in your name. You will be on our bookshelf and we are looking for a minimum of members. More than that are welcome of course!

Being a member of the GRC Vision Team is somewhat like being a Friends of the Library Member but even better. The following are advantages and perks you will have by being in this vital support group.

  • You will assist in and see the vision of a Bible Translation become a reality.
  • You will have an opportunity to meet and speak with authors and guests.
  • You will have first choice at the Book Sale items.
  • You will be able to welcome guests and visitors to GRC and our fund raiser.
  • You will have input into books, reviews and how the GRC operates.
  • You will have enjoyable times with other team members.

What would I have to do? How much time does this take? What would be my responsibilities?

  • Believe in and support the GRC and Bible Translation Goals.
  • Have approximately 2 hours per month for this work.
  • Have 2 half days or total of 8 hours available near the October 8 fund raiser.
    • (This would be one 1/2 day work day and 1/2 day on October 8th, 2016.)

Being a member of the GRC Vision Team would not be a heavy duty responsibility, it would however be a very important one as the goals of the GRC cannot be accomplished without input and hands to carry them out. You can choose the ways in which you serve. We are each different with various gifts. Come and talk with me, Doris Jones, or Pastor Brian McLaughlin if you would like to discuss this or if you have any questions. We are interested in having members from all age groups and both men and women.